The best way to keep your gold safe

Have you thought about where you want to keep your gold and silver?
Most people don’t realize… there is a choice.
You do not have to keep coins and bars in your home…
Or go through the work of installing a high-end safe and alarm system...
Or making sure you’re at home to meet the delivery person when it arrives...
Or the expense of properly insuring your bullion, which is typically not covered by homeowners insurance and can cost 2% a year or more to properly cover...
You can click, buy bullion, and have it stored for you in the safest place possible… a non-bank, third-party vault… by one of the most secure depositories in the world... Brink’s.

We’ve made buying – and truly owning – bullion for storage as easy as ordering a pair of socks online.
All you do is sign on to, choose your vault at checkout, and your metals are securely shipped and held for you in the Brink's vault of your choosing either in the US or overseas.
Your metals are there when you need them. Guarded. And fully-insured for market value against theft or disaster.
But they don’t have to just sit there.
Our private storage platform allows you to manage your metals online, 24/7.
You can take advantage of changing markets quickly…
Add to your holdings when metals are undervalued...
Or take profits and sell immediately when they are overvalued. You can even do it on your phone from the golf course.
It works just like a stock brokerage account… with one BIG exception.
Unlike shares of a mutual fund or ETF that are paper assets… you can request delivery of your physical gold and silver, any time you want, and we’ll ship them to you.
They are your metals after all. It’s your right.
If this sounds like a better alternative than home storage to you…
Now is a great time to get started…
For a limited-time, try storage... free.
Shop for metals, choose your Brink's vault, and enjoy free storage from now until May 31, 2020.
Just enter offer code: FREE-VLT-520 during checkout and every single order you make from now until the end of year is stored free for you.
There is no long-term commitment required. And you even can request home delivery of your metals any time.
It’s simply an easy way to try storage, enjoy all of its benefits including insurance, security, liquidity, and online access… and pay absolutely nothing until May 31, 2020.
Free Storage Offer Code:

P.S. If you have questions about private vault storage, Mike Maloney and the team recorded this webinar to explain how it all works.
And we’re happy to take your questions over the phone at 1-888-319-8166.
Or just reply to this email and send us your questions about storage.


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