Assemblyman slams Selangor government in handling water crisis

Friday, 04 Nov 2016

Rajiv Rishyakaran (DAP-Bukit Gasing) said the state government had been slow in putting up information about the recent water crisis to the people.

He raised the importance of having a proper crisis management team under the Communication Corporation Sdn Bhd (CCSB).

"CCSB has to improve. The dissemination of information on the water crisis was very slow and it did not reach the masses efficiently.

"Because of the late information, it allowed speculations and lies to spread," he said.

He added that CCSB did not have officers working around-the-clock  to disseminate information and updates to the public properly during the crisis.
"Instead of just radio and newspapers, CCSB should have used social media, which is much quicker, to get the information out," Rajiv added. 
Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azmin Ali responded that the fund allocation for CCSB next year was aimed at improving its handling of information during crisis.
"This improvement will be done not just for print media but all types of media that would enable us to get the information out faster," he said.


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