Be innovative in managing water

Friday, 22 Dec 2017

Zainol (blue suit) listening attentively to an exhibitor on a product for water management at the seminar. — Photos: SAIFUL BAHRI/The Star
Water resources must be managed wisely and innovation is the way forward, engineers and water experts were told.
State Public Utilities, Infrastructure, Energy and Water Committee chairman Datuk Zainol Fadzi Paharudin said on top of taking care of water resources, they must challenge themselves to maximise the benefits of water.
They ought to be far-sighted when it comes to prudent use of water, and its risk management, to ensure there is always enough supply.
“It is not impossible that one day, due to increase in population, states without enough raw water are forced to get water from neighbouring states through inter water transfer,” Zainol said in his speech at the Regional Water District Engineers Action Committee annual conference at a hotel here on Tuesday.
He said there was a need to look into alternative water supply such as underground water, just like green technology experts’ initiatives in recycle, reuse and reduce.
“I am highlighting the issue based on Perak Water Board’s experience, and studies on underground water together with the Minerals and Geoscience Department in Bagan Datuk, and other areas,” he said.
Zainol ?(in blue) being welcomed ?at the seminar as Perak Water Board general manager Datuk Mohd Yusof Isa (left) looks on.
inol (in blue) being welcomed at the seminar as Perak Water Board gen- eral manager Datuk Mohd Y
Zainol highlighted the theme “Innovations Towards Sustainable Water Future”, adding that action must start from now.
He said even though the country had rich water resources, but water crisis could occur due to various factors such as flood, drought, global rise in temperature, and river pollution.
“Excess water will result in floods, while inadequate water will cause difficulty to humans, animals, and plants. We cannot afford to be ignorant,” he added.
Zainol said it was the responsibility of all to manage excess water to ensure maximum benefit, while when water supply ran low, there was a need to manage its use effectively and efficiently.
He said industry players must keep themselves abreast of latest updates in water management technology, and to ensure sustainable water resources in the future.
“The use of technology can address weaknesses in water management system and solve problems fast.
“We must be smart in looking for ways to produce better products or services through modifications or improvements,” he added.
Zainol said innovative ideas could be obtained from within and outside, or through research and development processes, to suit the needs of water management parties, and the government.
He said these innovative ideas could include any changes in the form of systems, procedures, water management, asset management, water resources management, and others.


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