Lack of plans to solve water problem

Friday, 31 Jan 2020

I AM writing to voice my concern over the water rationing exercise in Melaka which is due to start soon.
It is amazing that Melaka, the smallest state in Malaysia, is experiencing disruptions in water supply which will subject the residents to untold misery and inconvenience.
Disruption in water supply would also effect the tourism industry and local businesses
here, so why weren’t plans drawn up to solve this issue long before now?
When the drought starts, the government lectures citizens to save water, use less water, etc.
But when the rainy season comes, everything would be forgotten – until the next year.
Ensuring uninterrupted water supply to its citizens should be the government’s number one priority, yet there is no master plan in place for this so far. The authorities concerned have not even come up with any plans for storing rainwater. Underground tanks are an option for storing surface run-off water.
I hope the federal minister in charge of water resources will help to solve this issue. Countries with low rainfall have well-developed plans to ensure there is always water for their citizens.
There are big plans for Kuala Linggi where the huge Malaysia Tourism City and international port are being developed.
But with the chronic water problems and rationing in the state, these projects might as well be aborted.
Kuala Linggi, Melaka


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