Penang sends out SOS to deputy premier on looming water crisis

Saturday, 23 Apr 2016

GEORGE TOWN: Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has requested the Deputy Prime Minister to “save” four million Malaysian citizens in four states by intervening in the water shortage crisis.
In a letter dated Thursday to Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Lim said at the moment, the people of Perlis, Kedah, Penang and northern Perak are facing the threat of severe water shortage caused by the ‘Super El Nino’ phenomenon.
“Therefore, we request the intervention of Datuk Seri as chairman of the National Water Resources Council (MSAN), to avert the occurrence of a crisis that would burden and inconvenience the people and businesses in these areas,” he said.
In the letter also, Lim said preventive measures that have been suggested to be carried out until June include to suspend irrigation activities in all states, especially in southern Kedah, until there is heavy rain.
Another measure, he added, was to intensify cloud seeding operations in the northern region, adding that storage dams can only “recover” if there is sufficient rainfall.
“As is well known, El Nino has extended beyond the three-month dry season.
“Rain in this region for the month of April is far less than the amount recorded in 2015, which is a fall of 70%.
“Therefore, dams’ levels in the northern states now have fallen rapidly and approaching critical point.
“At the same time, the water storage for the drought season in the Muda and Beris dams in Kedah, is expected to last only 30 days.”
Lim also said that daily release of water from the Muda and Beris dams was vital to maintain the level of Sungai Muda, so that Kedah and Penang could draw raw water.
“In Penang, 84% of the raw water intake for daily water supply is derived from this river.
“We cannot wait for a crisis to happen before taking remedial action.
“Instead, we propose that MSAN act while there is still a chance to avoid a water crisis by implementing preventive measures,” he said.


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